Supplementary feed for oral use in feed and drinking water for swine (piglets and sows).

An active microbial selected from a unique strain of Bacillus subtilis (PB6) that supports the maintenance of an intestinal microbial balance, compatible with coccidiostats and organic acids. CLOSTAT produces a specific biocide in the gastro-intestinal tract that has inhibitory activity against Clostridium perfringens.

Product Information CLOSTAT®

Eye-drops suspension for ocular use in poultry (breeder and layer chickens).

For active immunization of future broiler breeder chickens, future layer breeder chickens and future layer chickens to reduce air sac lesions and reduce the number of eggs with abnormal shell formation caused by Mycoplasma synoviae.

Onset of immunity: 4 weeks after vaccination. The animal will be immune for 40 weeks after the vaccination.

The duration of immunity to reduce the number of eggs with abnormal shell formation has not yet been demonstrated.

Prescription MS-H

Suspension for oral use in chickens.

Live attenuated vaccine for the active immunization of chickens from day 1 to reduce infection and clinical signs of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, E. mitis and E. tenella.

OOI: 21 days post vaccination.

DOI: Not demonstrated.

Suspension for oral use in chickens.
Live attenuated vaccine for the active immunization of chickens to reduce infection and clinical signs of coccidiosis caused by E. necatrix and E. brunetti.​

OOI: 21 days post vaccination.

DOI: Not demonstrated.

Designed to promote a relaxed behavior in swines, chickens, and turkeys during stress-related periods. Be it due to temperature changes, vaccinations, or dietary shifts, Phytozen Liquid has got you covered!

What makes Phytozen Liquid unique?

  • Comprises essential oils, spices, magnesium, and vitamin C.
  • Known for its neuro-modulatory effects.
  • Decreases stress perception, boosting both animal welfare and performance.


  • Reduces anxiety.
  • Acts as an antidepressant.
  • Enhances resilience against stress.

Effective in mitigating the stress from:

  • Handling, feed and housing transitions.
  • Vaccinations and transportation.
  • Weather changes and social stress.
  • High stocking density and animal fights.

Research & Results:

PHYTOZEN® LIQUID has proven to lessen aggressive behaviors in pigs during group mixings.

Results showcased reduced levels of salivary cortisol, a stress biomarker.

In broilers, the liquid helped to decrease the physiological stress response.


Product information Phytozen Liquid

400 mg/ml solution for use in drinking water for chicken and turkeys.

Chickens and turkeys: treatment of intestinal coccidiosis caused by Eimeria spp. susceptible to amprolium.

1000 mg/g powder for use in drinking water for chickens, ducks and turkeys.

Treatment of infections in chickens, ducks and turkeys caused by bacteria susceptible to amoxicillin.